Friday, January 7, 2011

Who Is God ?

According to Holman/Illustrated Bible dictionary, God is defined as the Personal Creator and Lord of the universe, the Redeemer of His people, the ultimate author and principal object of scripture and the  object of the church’s confession, worship and service.

Please see scripture verses Gen 1: 1, John 1:1-2, Ps. 19: 1-2, Rom 1: 19-20.

In truth,  God is incomprehensible, one that  we cannot totally  fathom. But this does not mean we cannot know God  truly. The scripture identifies and described God in many ways.

Illustration of 1 King 18: 38- God answering the prophet Elijah by sending fire to consume the sacrifice which the false prophets of Baal were unable to do despite calling on their gods.

Let me hear your views and comments on “Who is God ?”


  1. Hi Michael, in reality different people with different cultural background will have their own defination of their own God. Basically God to them will be some deity that they will worship.

  2. Hi Michael,

    You have made quite a definition on Who God is..
    Based on the definition and scriptures you have posted, I see a God who is transcendent.

    As a new believer could I know how do I see God's immanence in my life and truly experience Him? Could you further explain? Thank you...

  3. Hi Michael,
    According to Horton and Menzies in BIBLE DOCTRINES: A PENTECOSTAL PERSPECTIVE (GPH, 1993), "The one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent “I AM,” the Creator of heaven and earth and the Redeemer of mankind. He has further revealed Himself as embodying the principles of relationship and association as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

    The book also says that God is 1)Infinite; 2)Transcendent (above, beyond and greater than the universe He has created); 3)Immanent (present and active within the universe He has created); 4)Immutable; and 5)Eternal

    The Bible does not attempt to prove the existence of God. Genesis begins by recognizing that He is.

    My guess is that we can only know God as far as He has revealed Himself to us. Beyond that point, we cannot even begin to comprehend the Almighty Infinite One. For us to start knowing God fully, we must first believe that 1) He exists, and 2) He rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Heb 11:6). It's only when we believe God is and truly seek Him, then we will be found of Him and we will begin to know Him.

    I don't know whether this makes sense or not. Thanks for letting me write. :)

  4. answer from Michael to .

    We can know God because God truly reveals Himself to us, though God does not communicate with us directly – face to face – but indirectly by means of his mighty deeds in biblical history culminating in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to earth and is recorded in secular history including his crucifixion and the events that follow.

    The illustration in my blog is taken from 1 King 18: 38 of God answering the prophet Elijah by sending fire to consume the sacrifice which the false prophets of Baal were unable to do despite calling on their gods, the best way of experience God is through prayers and God does answer prayers but according to His own timing and if it is according to His will.

  5. God is alive and active in the lives of His people. The relational and interactive nature of God found in His people's life experiences make the term "God" meaningful and wonderful among human beings.
    Like you share...Baal was inactive and seems deaf and dumb in the lives of his followers..but the God of Elijah heard and acted..and He does this throughout generations...Praise for His wondrous acts and might!
